EPSA Mobility


A mobility program for our employees

EPSA is committed to the professional development of its employees on a daily basis. With the EPSA Mobility internal mobility program, our employees can create a career plan tailored to their needs.

EPSA Mobility is the EPSA Group’s internal mobility program.

In France or internationally...

EPSA Mobility enables our employees to develop their careers through 2 types of mobility*.

*Our employees can take advantage of these 2 types of mobility at the same time.

  • Geographical mobility

    Change of city and/or country as well as Business Line.

    Example : I'm a purchasing consultant in France and I become a purchasing consultant for EPSA in Germany.

  • Functional mobility

    Change of profession and/or Business Line.

    Example : I'm Talent Acquisition Manager for the Innovation Business Line and I'm becoming Business Developer for the Sustainability Business Line.

How does it work ?

A team dedicated specifically to this program assists our employees with their internal mobility.

The EPSA Mobility team is there every step of the way, from receipt of the request for mobility to the employee’s arrival in his or her new position.

EPSA Mobility is a 6-step process designed to provide our employees with the best possible guidance.

1 : Application
2 : Motivation interview
3 : Project validation
4 : Contract signature
5 : Transition support
6 : Integration & follow-up

With this program, EPSA is committed to helping employees make the transition from one job to another: whether it’s training in business skills, languages or cultural adaptation, our employees are prepared to make a success of their internal mobility!

Our international presence

Melanie dared internal mobility to give her career a new boost !

At EPSA, there are real opportunities for career development, and Mélanie Domingo  is proof of that!


From Paris to Barcelona, a successful internal move for Ronan !

Seize an opportunity, change environment, evolve professionally… Ronan La Sierra  joined Barcelona through internal mobility !


Diversity of experience, a driving force for career development and fulfillment !

That’s why we encourage geographical and/or functional mobility within our Group through our EPSA Mobility program.

Whether in France or abroad, our employees have the opportunity to discover new horizons, developing their careers on a global scale and/or changing function within the Group.

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65 Rue d'Anjou
75008 Paris
01 84 17 54 72

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