Financing your innovation
Innovation with financial support
Our specialist funding teams, some of whom come from government departments or funding bodies, have a thorough understanding of how to put together and process funding applications, whether for tax credits or grants. They are with you every step of the way, from structuring and writing the application to receiving the funds. Today, we are a key player in the field of innovation, offering support in financing innovation, whatever the size of the company or innovation project. We find financing (loans, subsidies, tax schemes) for both project initiators and CAC 40 companies, with many references thanks to our solid experience.
Our expertise will enable you to apply not for every possible scheme, but for those that meet the needs of your situation. We will explain to you our strategy for seeking financial assistance, so that you can make the best possible use of the various schemes available.
Tax incentives for innovation
Our team of experts helps its customers (start-ups, SMEs, ETIs, large companies) to obtain, optimise and secure their public aid declarations, thanks to a thorough understanding of the regulations in force, risk control and personalised organisation of the assignment.
Tax credits
Since the creation of the Research Tax Credit (Crédit Impôt Recherche - CIR) in 1983, France has put in place one of the world's most attractive packages of public aid for innovation to support investment in Research and Development (R&D) and Innovation by French companies, via the Innovation Tax Credit (Crédit Impôt Innovation - CII) and the Young Innovative Company (Jeune Entreprise Innovante - JEI) status.
Patent Box
The IP BOX scheme, also known as the ‘Patent Box’, came into force in France via the 2019 Finance Act in order to encourage innovation and research and development (R&D) in the country. It allows companies to subject income from certain intellectual property assets to a reduced tax rate of 10% instead of 15% for companies subject to corporation tax and 12.5% for those subject to personal income tax.
Managing innovation
An innovation strategy requires a well thought-out organisation to implement and manage it. Our experts can help you define the governance, processes and tools best suited to managing your innovative projects. In this way, we can help you put in place the conditions for optimising your performance and controlling risks.
Innovation project management
Innovation is, by definition, a risky undertaking, and one that is incompatible with the financial management imposed in some companies. This overlooks the fact that today there are tools, methods and models for building up project portfolios that enable you to develop innovations in agile mode, thereby limiting costs and risks.
Open Innovation
Open innovation 2.0 is on the march! Gone are the days of opportunism triggering unsuccessful POCs or new businesses that contribute little to your development: companies need to integrate the most relevant partners to meet their strategic challenges. We can help you establish your strategy and identify and filter the right nuggets.
Becoming a more innovative company
Innovation is a sustainable process that needs to be repeated, otherwise your company will quickly become outdated. It requires a high level of quality in the execution and management of projects in order to control risks and budgets. The organisation must therefore integrate innovation on a daily basis, adapting its governance, resources and monitoring tools.
Tracking and time recording of your projects
Keeping track of your staff's time can be time-consuming and complex, especially when there are a large number of projects and players involved and no automation process has been established within your organisation. As part of our support services, our customers can benefit from our LUDIKS-INNO time-tracking tool, designed to facilitate the reporting and traceability of the time allocated to their teams for each R&D and Innovation project. Time tracking is essential for securing your files and simplifying your dealings with the authorities.
Innovation strategy
To give your company a sustainable and decisive competitive advantage in the future, it is essential to develop a genuine innovation strategy. Our teams will help you to build it, based on a diagnosis of your environment, a prospective analysis, the design of scenarios for 3, 5 or 10 years, and the detection of opportunities. The strategy is then translated into a roadmap of projects and activities for implementation in your organisation. Our multi-disciplinary teams include specialists in marketing, design thinking, foresight, business modelling and technology watch. They identify precisely the challenges that your organisation will face in the future. On this basis, we work with your teams to build powerful project roadmaps that will ensure your future success.
Designing new products and services
Our mission is to support its customers in an innovation process that will have a major impact on their future results. Our role is therefore to help them create new products and services that make sense and clearly deliver progress for their customers. To do this, we work mainly in agile mode to accelerate the pace of development, cut costs and limit risks.
Opportunity detection
The best innovation initiatives are those that have developed into genuine corporate cultures based on one fundamental element: the constant detection of opportunities. By observing your customers and your markets, keeping a global technology watch, reviewing potential partners and detecting weak signals, we help you to identify your future areas of innovation by looking for elements that are not visible at first glance.
Prospective & Design Fiction
Markets are saturated worldwide, and it is increasingly difficult for a company to continue to stand out from the crowd. Differentiation can then come from a better understanding and anticipation of what the new normal might be in 10 or 20 years' time. Through its work in foresight and design fiction, we can help you build your preferred scenario, deduce the roadmap for short-, medium- and long-term projects and thus enable you to organise your allocation of resources over time.
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