Investment grants

Getting investments from grants

There are many different types of finance available in France, for most tangible or intangible investments, for international expansion or for many other purposes. By regularly and strategically monitoring existing schemes in France, our experts select the best financing levers to meet your needs and support you in the implementation of your projects.

Financing strategy

With over €10 billion a year in funding for R&D&I, France is a generous country when it comes to business support. But there are a huge number of schemes (nearly 3,000 different types of aid!), with disparate rules and update rates. We can set up a permanent watch on your behalf and draw up a funding roadmap corresponding to your project roadmap in order to maximise the funding rate for your RDI.

Benefit from European funding

Every 7 years, Europe provides around €80 billion in funding for companies and public research institutions through calls for collaborative or individual projects, which provide between 70 and 100% funding for applicants. While the levels of funding are exceptional, the applications are very numerous and the success rates very low. We can help you structure your consortium and draw up an impeccable application to maximise your chances of success.

Our added-value

Our expert teams help you to take an uncompromising look at the intrinsic qualities of your project so as to maximise the chances of success from the outset. We identify the levers for improving the scores, both in the composition of the consortium and in its drafting.


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65 Rue d'Anjou
75008 Paris
01 84 17 54 72

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