EPSA Foundation: a commitment to general interest and solidarity

Since 2019, we have been committed through the creation of our endowment fund. We support and develop works or projects of general interest. We regularly carry out actions in favor of philanthropic, educational, integration and environmental protection projects.

EPSA Foundation

Launched in October 2019, we created the EPSA Foundation with the aim of supporting and developing any work or project of general interest of a social nature, collectively contributing to the support of vulnerable groups in accessing or maintaining employment. We aim to promote their personal development, their autonomy and their social (re)integration. In addition, the fund carries out actions aimed at supporting philanthropic, educational and humanitarian projects, or projects that contribute to the defense of the natural environment, by working with our ecosystem towards ecological transition, and more generally any project of general interest that is in line with the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

EPSA Foundation wants to contribute to a world with high human added value by working with young people to create a more environmentally friendly world, and later, by helping the most vulnerable to enter or re-enter the professional world. This endowment fund thus enables action to be taken on an entire generation to prepare for tomorrow. Today, the EPSA Foundation is one of the pillars of the “EPSA for Good” ambition, which is leading our group towards social and environmental transformation, a source of performance and sustainable growth.


Our ambition: to support vulnerable groups

  • Article 1

    Since 2019, we have launched, via EPSA Foundation, our first partnership for the integration of young people from working-class backgrounds with the association Article 1.

    Article 1 supports high school and university students (85% of whom receive scholarships), with the conviction that it is essential to nurture all talents in France to renew the faces and vision of success, regardless of social, economic, territorial or cultural background.

    Today, more than 50 of our volunteers, based in Paris, Lisses, Lyon, Toulouse and Sophia-Antipolis, are involved in skills volunteering in two formats:

    Mentoring: We guide students (Bac+1 to Bac+5) towards academic success and professional integration, with 2 to 3 hours a month for a year. We support them, share our professional experience and open doors for them.

    Group workshops: For 2 hours, we run workshops in high schools (Première, Terminale, Prépa, BTS and DUT classes) on relevant topics. These activities help them overcome their self-censorship and prepare them for a successful academic career and professional integration.

    Discover Article 1
  • Engagés

    Engagés is an Entreprise de Travail à Temps Partagé (ETTP) that is part of the Territoires Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée experiment.

    The Territoire Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée project was launched in 2016 in the form of an experimental law. Villeurbanne’s Saint-Jean district was selected along with a dozen other territories in France with the aim of eradicating long-term unemployment with an innovative approach.

    The principle is to redirect the costs of job deprivation to finance new jobs that meet needs not covered in the area, for the benefit of the long-term unemployed, who thus become full-fledged employees of an “Entreprise à But d’Emploi” (EBE).

    “When the idea of creating an Entreprise à But d’Emploi (EBE) dedicated to the provision of work emerged over two years ago, EPSA Foundation immediately responded by offering to finance part of the feasibility study launched in January 2021. Taking a stake in the newly-created structure is therefore the logical continuation of this long-established partnership, as well as the mark of a genuine commitment to helping vulnerable groups back into employment”.

    Baptiste Costantini, Director Engagés


    EPSA, more than ever a creator and producer of sustainable performance

    “Launched in October 2019, EPSA Foundation acts to support vulnerable groups in accessing or remaining in employment. This unique partnership demonstrates the depth of our convictions on this social issue. The EPSA Group is proud to affirm its role and contribution as a responsible company, well beyond our sponsorship policy. This is a social innovation that is virtually unique in France, since it is an endowment fund (EPSA Foundation) that is acquiring a stake in a for-profit company! Our commitment alongside other companies in the Lyon area, and within the framework of a unique national experiment, enables us to continue proving that sustainable performance is possible”.

    Cédric Laroyenne, Director of Commitment and Managing Director of EPSA Foundation

    Discover Engagés
  • La Cravate Solidaire

    EPSA Foundation and La Cravate Solidaire are partnering to support professional integration, and together are creating a link with the other associations we support in this cause.

    La Cravate Solidaire fights against social and appearance-related discrimination in job interviews for people entering or re-entering the workforce. The association is open to all, and offers support to anyone actively seeking employment. Placed at the end of the insertion chain, La Cravate Solidaire works in synergy with insertion structures such as Territoires zéro chômeur de longue durée or equal opportunity programs such as Article 1.

    Over 3,000 beneficiaries are accompanied each year, with a 70% success rate at interview.

    EPSA Foundation contributes, notably through clothing collection campaigns, to providing the association’s beneficiaries with appropriate outfits for job interviews. Our employees also take part in “Coup de pouce” individual support workshops.

    Discover La Cravate Solidaire
  • 100 000 entrepreneurs

    Because the EPSA group has above all been an entrepreneurial adventure for over 20 years, EPSA Foundation is a partner of 100,000 Entrepreneurs. This alliance, initiated several years ago within the framework of the PAQTE program, forms with the other associations a complete chain in favor of equal opportunity.

    100,000 Entrepreneurs, which has an agreement with the French Ministry of Education, has a clear mission: to pass on the culture and desire for entrepreneurship to young people aged 13 to 25 in mainland France and its overseas territories, thanks to testimonials from entrepreneurs/intrapreneurs (company directors, project leaders within a group) in schools and out-of-school establishments (2nd chance schools, local missions, etc.).

    Since 2007, more than 600,000 young people have been made aware of the program, and EPSA participates by hiring some twenty associate-employees throughout France and throughout the year (Mois des Quartiers, entrepreneurship for women, etc.). This commitment reflects our determination to pass on the common denominator of corporate leadership: entrepreneurship.

    Discover 100 000 entrepreneurs

Sport and Youth

The “Great Cause” of the 2023-2025 group, chosen by our EPSA employees

With the Rugby World Cup (France 2023) and the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in particular, the next few years promise to be full of sporting events.

Supporting Sport dans la Ville and Boxer Inside will therefore enable us to be part of this sporting dynamic and to make this practice a lever for integration, social ties, culture and quality of life for a whole generation of young people who will experience the Paris 2024 Olympic Games with incredible enthusiasm. It is also an internal ambition, that of uniting our employees around sport, its impact on society, its values of performance and cohesion, but also of collectivity.

Because it is necessary to provide long-term support to the structures that are active in the field, we are supporting two associations via the EPSA Foundation for a period of three years with the aim of participating in their development and scaling up. Following a call for projects launched at the end of 2022, these winners will benefit from financial sponsorship and skills volunteering. Selected by our staff, these projects will provide a complementary response to the challenges of professional integration and the transmission of values through sport.

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Our engagement PAQTE

Our CLIMATE commitment

Dwad is a business engineer at EPSA and is committed to Entrepreneurs dans la Ville.

Dwad Janvier, Business Engineer at EPSA, tells us about his experience as a jury member at a Progress Review with Entrepreneurs dans la Ville.

He also shares what he learned from it.

Florian, Inside Sales at EPSA Tax, carries out a mission in favor of inclusion

Florian Thizy – Inside Sales at EPSA Tax shares with us his experience with Projet FAIRE, a project promoting inclusion.

He talks about the workshops he took part in and why he got involved.

Philippe, Lab Director at EPSA Tax , shares his experience with 100,000 entrepreneurs

Philippe MARTIN, Lab Director at EPSA Tax, shares with us his experience of working with 100,000 Entrepreneurs, our EPSA Foundation partner, in high schools in Lyon.

In particular, he talks about his exchanges with the students and the importance of these interventions for their future prospects.



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75008 Paris
01 84 17 54 72

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